Complaint regarding typing job offers from Benignent Techno

Complaint regarding typing job offers from Benignent Techno

I was interested for typing jobs. So I enrolled on 7.04.2021, so they sent me a WhatsApp msg for the work, where 75% accuracy was accepted & 25% was not accepted. Per page earns Rs 120. So I was sure, I can meet up the accuracy. So I paid Rs 2060, after that they send the work with the details. Details was per mistake multiplied by .8% / .9% / 2 % for various mistakes. Total page was 400, consists of approximately 700words within 25days. & No rewrite options. A typist can type this file 30-45mins max per page without break. Is it a competition? Still I challenged myself & did submitted within time period. I worked for 15hours without taking any break & submitted. Out of 2.80L words (approx) 38 mistakes were there, which is multiplied by .08% / .09% which leads to above 25% . They reject the whole project. Not giving back my money. They trapped me. I have sent legal notice from advocate to their mail id. I didn’t receive anything yet.

Shayeree Banerjee
Kolkata 700070, West Bengal


    • Archna Yadav on 26/10/2021 at 10:02 pm

    Yes I am also trapped by this Benignent techno
    The contacted me on what’s app and
    Promised to give me a job
    And taken 1545 rupee from me by Google pay
    Now neither they are replying nor giving me job Or refunding my money

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