Complaint regarding Wrong Billing by SHCIL

Complaint regarding Wrong Billing by SHCIL

For Dec.20, I received a bill of Rs.624    from Stock holding corporation of India on 12-1-21 towards Demat Account. This included Rs. 525 for 7 DIS booklets which I did not ask for. Details of  dispute as follows:

1)For modification of my Email Id ,I logged in to ” online account access” of SHCIL on2-12-2020.  Generated OTP and submitted. 2) To my surprise ,I got the message that ” Your request  for DIS booklet is registered” and I received one after two days.3)There was also a notice in the web page that” repeat request for Dis booklet will not be entertained within 3 months of the previous issue.”4) Hoping to get the right OTP for modification ,I attempted 6 more times during the fortnight  but only  received 6 more booklets5) In the meanwhile , I Emailed to to stop further despatches and rectify the fault. Further in my Email of 11-12-2021, I brought to their notice of their failure.
6)Sending wrong OTP and violating their own rules on DIS  is entirely due to SHCIL and their system for which client should not be charged.7) Replied to SHCIL on 16-01-2021 that the Bill is not acceptable and requested them to revise the bill agreeing to pay only Rs.75 for the first booklet .Instead .I again received a reminder  on 23-1-2021 for the payment. 8) Ultimately , on 8-2-2021,they withdrew entire amount from my Trading account and transferred to Demat account and adjusted. 9) I need justice by way of refunding or adjusting in subsequent bills Rs.450 excess deduction for the 6 DIS booklets.10)I request early redressal of my complaint without further enquiry and harassment to this  very senior citizen(88 yr.)

Udupi 576101, Karnataka

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