Complaint regards refund from LT Fab online shopping saute - India Consumer Forum

Complaint regards refund from LT Fab online shopping saute

I have ordered lehanga choli from LT Fab online shopping after 7 days that order has been delivered . That was very poor quality then I have called them that no is not working to call but it’s working only for what’s app then I have messaged them saying that I want to return the product they told to me to do self delivery ,after getting product within 7 working days they will refund the amount. then I have sent by courier ( Trackon couriers ) they got that product on 17th Oct 2017 then they are keep on telling within 4 days they will refund amount still I did not get the amount . But they have sent me credit memo via mail but I did not get any amount could you please me on this .

Saraswathi Goparapu
Hosaroad, Bangalore 560100, Karnataka

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