Damaged product from Snapdeal - India Consumer Forum

Damaged product from Snapdeal

I ordererd Prestige Pkpwrc 1.5 800 stainless steel electric kettle online from Snapdeal Online Shopping mobile App on 31st august for 1595 rupees and they delivered an old kettle with crack at the bottom & scratches in other parts , the kettle was improperly packed in a broken box . I registered return request within 7 day return policy from snapdeal on 6th september 2017. But they did not schedule a pickup & sent me a message on 8th september that they closed the return request. When i called them they said it was their fault & they will solve the issue & get back to me later. Then they called me on 9th september in the morning to tell me they will not return my product because their is a problem, i asked them “what is the problem ? ”
They did not tell me, & adamantly refused to return the product & even after requesting them for several minutes on the phone they did not give me any information as to what the problem was ? They kept saying its their company policy & they cannot tell .
They are robbing me of my hard earned money , did not send a new product , sent old damaged used rejected factory product with lowest quality plastic & for much higher price than the original MRP ( maximum retail price) of the product. Their customer service talks to the customer in extremely inconsiderate , rude & inhumane way & gave me immense amount of stress by requesting them but they were adamantly refusing to return or refund & giving false excuses to shield their illegal fraud which resulted in my high blood pressure & made me sick. This is online fraud, cheating & fooling customer, taking wrong advantage of cuatomer’s trust & hard earned money & not delivering 100% new product.
I request the concerned authoritues to look into the matter & help me in returning the product & get my full refund as i had submitted return request within snapdeal’s 7 day easy return policy & still they did not schedule pickup & are giving unreasonable false excuses to cover their faults.

Yasmeen Kausar
Moradabad 244001, Uttar Pradesh
Email: sxxxxxxxxxa@gmail.com


    • snapdeal on 16/09/2017 at 5:34 pm

    Dear yasmeen_ka,

    We request you to share your order details or complaint number to help you out in the best possible way. Kindly drop us an email on writetous@snapdeal.com with these details. We assure you all possible help.

    Team Snapdeal

    • Yasmeen on 22/09/2017 at 2:25 am

    Order id 19766172703
    Return request under process id 43646627

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