Dealer not responding after taking advance for HP laptop - India Consumer Forum

Dealer not responding after taking advance for HP laptop

I paid down payment of rupees 6000 on 25june 2017 sunday to fine computers, avinashi road coimbatore 641004 now called as renaissance for a i5 hp laptop around 8 30 pm the owner of the firm mr kxxxxr was in phone contact and said that he will deliver the product by thursday and i find the number not attending r not reachable after the day n the shope is also found to be closed for the past 25 june 2017 and they provided with another official number which is also found to be switched off from the day mr kxxxxxxr insisted to provide my brothers aadhar n photo since he said they are providing some allowence to students and the same was provided to him through watsapp the next day n that was the last point of contact from their side

shyam sharma s
Singanallur 641005, Tamil Nadu

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