Deduction from main balance by Tata Docomo - India Consumer Forum

Deduction from main balance by Tata Docomo

I own a Tata Docomo Prpaid mobile No. 9xxxxxxxx0 belonging to Chhattisgarh circle. The company is resorting to unfair deduction from my man balance.
1. On 19-11-201i i received a message saying that ‘I have surbscribed to Photo Stories at Rs. 35 for 5 days, whic is due for renewal on 24 Nov.2017’ and deducted Rs. 35 from my main account.
and 2. On .1.12-2017 i received another message that ‘I have subscribed for Movie World at Rs. 30 for 30 days which is due for renewal on 31.12.2017 and deducted an equal amount from my main balance.
Sir, by my best knowledge, I have never subscribed for any such services from the tele-operator and the above subscriptions are done unfairly and unilaterally. Kindly instruct the concerned to refund the amount deducted without my knowledge.

Manoj Kumar
Durg 491001, Chattisgarh

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