Delay in delivery of flat by Supertech Project - India Consumer Forum

Delay in delivery of flat by Supertech Project

I have booked a unit in Supertech project CZAR SUITES and get allotment of Unit no.511 in Tower Socrates1 on 13th Oct 2010, with condition of delivery in 30 months. In September 2016 received offer for possession letter to deposit balance 5% for possession, there were some issues for payment also, which were resolved in Nov. 2016, and they committed for possession in 60 days, When I contacted them they delay the possession by saying that fittings and paint is pending and ask 15 days time, after 15 days again ask for 15 days, after that I have written a mail and received reply that Hon’ble Court stayed the possession, which I know later that court stayed the possession well before I have given them final instalment and although they know that will not be in position to give possession, they take final payment. Communication with them is one way, I can write mail but receive response at their mercy, no contact no. is available and mail is also go to CRM only. I have asked them to refund my money with interest as they fail to give possession in time but they are not agreeing for the same. As per agreement they have to give assured return to me till 30 month/Possession, where as the same was not given to me till possession, I want that my money should be refunded by Supertech with Interest from the date of Booking, and assured return till date.

VASANT KUNJ, New Delhi 110070

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