Demand for money by database job provider

Demand for money by database job provider

Sir, there is a company named Oracle Database whose agreement was reached with me on 13.02.2021. Of which he told me that let you sit on your PC and do a work of Hundred pages.They told that as soon as we have sent you the work, you have to type exactly from same to same. I did the same thing, as he told me. And all according to their time, I have done my work by finishing them. After this when I sent them work, after that they proved my work wrong that your work is not right at There are many mistakes in this. And now it’s just asking me a 7000 fine. I asked for work from them and they asked me pay for panelty, I finish my work with honesty. Company people reversely sent me a legal notice. in which he has said that if you have not filled 7000 within 3 days, you will have to pay a penalty of fifty 50000 instead of 7000.There is no one in my family sir i am one i am my wife and one is my 2 month old child. Please Help me.

Patiala, Punjab.(147001)

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