Demand of money for fake form filling work

Demand of money for fake form filling work

I took this form filling work from home job on 15th of April i was mentioned about the job details as with 85% accuracy after the submission of work will give me salary or without accuracy i have to pay them 3900 admin charges and before joining i have clearly asked whether if i wish to quit this work after 1 project there be any charges to be paid as it’s clear in the conversation file i have attached but they only informed me about the cancellation fee within 24hrs of the registration.

But today my 741 files have passed out of 1000files which means that cut off 85% i have not reached so i paid them 3900rs as i was mentioned before. But now after paying that they disclosed a agreement (which was no where mentioned or shown me) saying its a 6 month job if inbetween i wish to drop means i have to pay 3000rs….I’m just asking them that this was not shown or explained to me dispite of my verification also then how are u demanding the amount…Their reply is just say wheather u will pay or not otherwise we will file a case on you it will be a future risk for you.

Bangalore 560096, Karnataka

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