Different pricing of cream bell product at KFC - India Consumer Forum

Different pricing of cream bell product at KFC

I am frequent visitor of KFC and a big fan of Sandwich ice cream sold at your outlet, However have a concern to raise!

It is a Creambell product which is also available at places other then KFC outlet. The shocking thing which I notice is that outside the MRP is Rs 40 and MRP at KFC outlet is Rs 50.

The product / taste / packing is same, hence it is unfair practice done by Cream bell / KFC on price it differently. This is surely mis-leading the consumer.

Please find below extract of MRP law.

“no person shall declare different MRPs (dual MRP) on an identical pre-packaged commodity, unless allowed under any law. This will benefit consumers at large as they are having complaint regarding dual MRP for item depending upon different type of public places like Cinema Hall, Airport, Malls etc.”


Highly appreciate if prompt action is taken and next time I visit KFC the price is fixed.

Joel Saldanha
Malleshwaram, Bangalore 560003, Karnataka
Email: jxxxxxxxxxa@icloud.com

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