Excess fare charged by Uber - India Consumer Forum

Excess fare charged by Uber

it’s regarding the incorrect charges incurred by Uber on July 7, 2018 at 12:58 PM. It was a ‘cash-to-be-paid’ trip. I had an outstanding amount of Rs.285.12 from the previous trip on July 5, 2018 at 9:09 PM. Hence I need to pay the total amount via cash as follows: Outstanding amount (Rs.285.12) + Amount for the current trip on July 7, 2018 at 12:58 PM (Rs.357.70), which should be around Rs.650 in total.
When the driver ended the trip, the charges incurred was Rs.1,172.82!! This was weird and I refused to pay the entire amount and paid Rs.650 via cash to the driver.
Later I receiver the receipt of the trip and the receipt amount is Rs.1,172.82 (screenshot attached); though I did not pay the entire amount but Rs.650.
I received an email previous week from Uber that I need to pay outstanding amount of Rs.1,337.94 as I did not pay the entire amount to the driver (screenshot attached)!! They never mentioned that I have paid Rs.650 to the driver.
I checked the email thoroughly and noticed that a charge of Rs.530 from UberEats on June 24, 2018 has been added to the trip receipt. The amount of Rs.530 was not charged on June 24, 2018. Hence I need to pay that amount.
Fine! I am going to pay Rs.530 as it was not charged. The outstanding amount should be only Rs.530. As I have paid Rs.650 to the driver and Uber acknowledged that. They are reluctant and for the last 7 days Uber is not responding to my emails. Neither they provided me with the break-up of the charge of Rs.1,337.94 nor they responded to my claim.
I need justice and the outstanding amount needs to be changed to Rs.530. I’m not going to pay excess amount for nothing.

Taniya Nandi
Kukatpally, Hyderabad 500085, Telangana
Email: txxxxxxxxx0@gmail.com

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