Fake discount offers against discount card - India Consumer Forum

Fake discount offers against discount card

I got a call from ur executive that we are offering a discount card qhich should be applicabe for all big stores. i specialy asked ur executive is best price store is including in them they said yes sir u will get a 20%discount on every purchase. so i wish to take that offer on behalf of this statement of ur executive i asked her for more then 20 times that are u sure about ur offer she said yes sir i already talked to my seniours that this is a right offer then comes the payment time she said to me that sir u have to pay 7799 through ur credit card and we will made 12 emi’s of 650 each that is the only reason why i accept her offer at the point of the payment i saw options ofself emi’s i asked her should i chose that she asked me no no sir they will take interst on that we will make interst free emi’s. i trusted her now when my statement comes the whole anount is including in that when i asked ur customer care they said sry sir we cant do any thing you have to pay whole amount. what is this pls refund my money or i had to go to consumer court without my wil pls help me in this matter.

Suraj Kumar
Jamalpur, Ludhiana 141010, Punjab
Email: sxxxxxxxxxxxj@gmail.com

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