Fake job offer from ATC Recruitment service - India Consumer Forum

Fake job offer from ATC Recruitment service

I here by informed you that i have been registered with placement consultancy ATC Recruitment Service on 23th of sep 2016 for getting a better job pleacement. They called me and inform the offer for great job placement by paying just registration fee. But after registration they want more money for document verfication, profile making charges etc. and i have paid Rs. 5000/- as a security charge for giving me a better job pleacment. All the payment has been made through cash payment at agreement time. They ask me they provide the job in 10 working day’s but they failed to provide me a batter job at last 3 to 4 mounth. Then they ask me next date again and again.

But they are failed to provide me a better job. After some time i asked them to refund my money as they are fail to do their promise. But always they make me fool by saying that your matter will be resolved very soon. I have a long conversation of the same for future record. But now all the numbers are switched off and the website goes down. At this point of time i have much need of money. So please help me to get back my money from them. I am waiting for your kind response.

ashish kumar
saharanpur ( U.P.), Gangoh 247341, Uttar Pradesh
Email: axxxxxxxxxxxx4@gmail.com


    • ashish kumar on 22/09/2017 at 10:37 am

    i think there are no body to solved my problem(complain) …
    please ….solved that problem

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