Fake job offers and demand for money - India Consumer Forum

Fake job offers and demand for money

Easy build technology has scamed me and asking me to pay penality of 7999 the have provided me the work of 800 page and now they are saying that my  generated id has been blocked because i didn’t logout but actually when i got my id the id was blocked already after one day, id has been opened after that i filled 105 forms after next day the id cane in same process as starting and i  called customer care of easy build they told me that their senior will call me and after next day their advacote call me and demande of price 7999 pay me or the will appeal to court and he said me that my id has been bolcked bacause i have login id and did not logout it,the have made aggriment from me  and i have signed it so plzz help me to get out of this scam.

Bajrang Sah
Rajpur, Dehradun 248001, Uttarakhand
Email: bxxxxxxxxxxx0@gmail.com

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