Fake offers from unique4deal.com - India Consumer Forum

Fake offers from unique4deal.com

I am a student from Assam recently 15 days ago I got a call from unique4deal.com they told me that you are our lucky customer and you are selected for Kawasaki minja 300 which will be held at big bazaar mall at assam so you have to pay 2499 as registration fees then I had paid, again afer two days I got a call from senior department then they told me you have to pay Rs.20000 for documentation process again I had paid which was my biggest mistake after that they claimed for Rs.25000 for rto purpose then I refused to pay now if I call them, they told that we will not return your money what you can do you do, they are totally fraud, they had cheated me a amount of totol Rs.22499.

Hassan Wasim
vill-hazipara, Howly 781316, Assam
Email: rxxxxxxxxxx0@gmail.com

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