Fake offers of travel package and gifts from tripgateway - India Consumer Forum

Fake offers of travel package and gifts from tripgateway

I had received a call on 19-05-2017, from rxxxxt executive of tripgateway, he offered me holiday package of Asia 10449 with happy hour gift, Samsung Galaxy j7 mobile phone, he assured me I had agreed and booked the packaged. Again he offered me another offer of travel package same of Asia 10449, with gift of Samsung Galaxy c9 pro mobile and booked it and made payment of both by using criedt card, after five days on 25 – 05 – 2017 I had received a book let conating voucher of tripgateway, after receiving that I called help desk no given +91-120-6500365 complaing that I had not received the said gift, after three day, again I called on same no, know executive is telling that we can’t send your gift as we had received the damage device we despatch you the another device of Samsung s7 edge by paying extra 10499, I had refused, so plz do needfull for me and save my money.

Khajasamiuddin Chowdhry
Dist Gulbarga, Shahabad 585228, Karnataka
Email: nxxxxxxxxxxxxxd@yahoo.com
31/05/2017 / 2:49 am

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