Fake online data entry job, not giving salary - India Consumer Forum

Fake online data entry job, not giving salary

I had received text message from teamhomejobs, I needed money so I took 300 pages project for 30,000,  they made me pay 2000 rupees as security deposit and for agreemen, there work was too much and so many points in agreement. I completed my work within deadline, and had revised it also.. Later I got report… Mentioning so many spelling mistakes, which I had not done. Luckily I had already backup of work which I have submitted. (although in agreement it was written, it’s not allowed, ). But, in reality my work is full right, their report is wrong, I cross checked.

They are neither giving me my security deposit not my actual salary. Please help me.

There site is 365homejobs.com
Their bank details
Account number- 15xxxxxxxxx4

I have all proofs, chatting records, emails, screenshots. Please help me

Aishwarya Gawali
New Delhi 110015, Maharashtra
Email: axxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1@gmail.com


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    • surya harshini on 01/07/2020 at 2:15 pm

    Did they give u a legal document regarding your deposit?

    • Bhargav on 21/07/2020 at 12:37 pm

    they are a fraud company based out of Delhi. I have been cheated in the same way, it’s not about the money, it’s about the effort and time we put in to earn some money for livelihood. These crooks take advantage and cheat people and play with the emotions. These people must be punished for cheating innocent people.

    • JeevaKumaar on 17/09/2020 at 8:40 pm

    Now they started another new website http://www.ujjwalhomejobs.com email id: support@teamhomejobs.com
    So eager to receive the registration cost Rs.2000 for 300 pages of job work. No details received from the person but they demand for amount to pay immediately stating that you can get job to start immediately.
    Please be aware of these type of fraudulent. GST: 07JWGPS0511B1ZT which shows as Insurance service provider. This is social awareness message to catch these people from genuine job market.

    • B. Sainath on 25/10/2020 at 6:30 am

    ujjwalhomejobs.com. I am also faced same thing , after submitting work thay given QC report after 5 days , In my Project Only 5 papers QC done and in one page only thay find 15 errors, I am not taken screen shots Due no time but I saved in word document in unofficial method when I cross check there is no errors, for this project I am worked daily 8-10 hours . We need to group and complete . At least same people don’t go on their trap . after this I googled for this scan I found their related few websites. I don’t know how many websites thay are maintaining.

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