Fake product sold by Amazon vendor - India Consumer Forum

Fake product sold by Amazon vendor

I wish to inform that Ms amazon is selling fake products on its website. I bought a pukhraj on 8th Oct 2017 vide order number 404-7813136-6434764 amounting to Rs 1899. When I went to Indore in Nov end and got it checked I found it to be a fake stone of no value. Then I checked with the online certificate provided with the stone and found that the order delivered was different from the product mentioned in the certificate. I then approached amazon along with pictures of product delivered and that of certificate. To my utter surprise, amazon says they can’t do anything as the product was returnable till 8th Nov only. I tried to insist that this return is on account of fake product and hence returnable window concept can not be applied but they are not just ready to listen. This suggests that amazon is promoting sale of fake products else they would have taken some strict action against the seller. I need your help in getting my money back and to curb such false practices going on at amazon India Ltd. Thanks and regards

Sanjay Bansal
Kharghar, Raigad 410210, Maharashtra
Email: sxxxxxxxxxxx6@gmail.com

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