Fake shopping website mwstylist.com - India Consumer Forum

Fake shopping website mwstylist.com

Men & Women shopping website URL :- https://mwstylist.com/ . It consists of 40 clothes from all the cloth categories of men and women @ 277/- which is of 1000/- ,2000/- in other sites. I ordered one jacket worth of 277/- + 39/- tax, which was to be delivered by 3 dec. But now I got to know that it is fake and deducted my money 316/-. My concern is that it is looting many people and also can access bank details up id etc. I just checked the URL now it is showing something else. This site is completely fake. Please take strict action against them otherwise they will keep looting people.

Raj kumar
Bilaspur 495004, Chattisgarh
Email: rxxxxxxxxxk@gmail.com

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