Financial loss due to difference in promised rate and contract rate

Financial loss due to difference in promised rate and the contract rate

Axis bank team approached me for the forward contract.
They explained the process partially and provided a rate for the contract that is 74.8150 ( ask price for USD vs INR On 1 Sep 2021, at 2:22 PM).
The rate was shared and the calculation was discussed over the phone and the mail was shared with the team. It was confirmed that there is no charge involved in this process .

But they made the contract with different rate 79.79 INR per USD. I did not accept the contract and requested them to provide the revised contract at the same time.

I raised the issue to the bank operation head and nodal team also. Still the issue is not resolved.
I will face a huge financial loss because of this issue. Please help me to avoid any financial loss

Haldia 721635, West Bengal

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