Fraud ayurvedic weight loss kit sales - India Consumer Forum

Fraud ayurvedic weight loss kit sales

I have purchased 1no of weight expert kit from expert ayurveda which they promised sure partial weight loss in 15 days ,failing which they will refund amount on remaining medicines.after tsking medicines for first 2 days i started severe stomach pain n cramps n unease for whole nights,which i complained to the concerned dr who (dr sxxxxxxi)had talked to me b4 buying their product. i requested her to refund my amount but she suggested to conyinue with some home remedy of vinegar water for another 15 days. though i was reluctunt as their claim clearly notes refund is only on remaining medicine she assured me of full refund as she was very confidant that i will not need so..but i was continuosly uncomfortable n not getting any results was again assured by dr sxxxt to continue another 15 days which also not at all useful. after repeated phone calls for complete refund requests they are just fooling me by saying dr cant speak as he is in meeting. i request consumer forum to act on such people who misguide, take public money in advance even before deliverying any results,then coax people to continue in name of trials in spite of knowing it may not work n taking peoples health for least in future they may not work on such clumsy way.i am attaching my bill alongwith.thank u.

Vijaya Bothra
Kolkata 700019, West Bengal


    • Vijaya bothra on 24/06/2019 at 3:46 pm

    Till date no answer from any quarter on my above sent complaint

    • ICF on 25/06/2019 at 2:57 pm

    We have already replied to 21 months back but there is no response from your end. Now you are saying till date no answer from any quarter.

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