I am a college student, and belong from a middle class family. So, for part time income, today i have started a data entry jobs on the company named unitech solutions company.
I pay a registration charges of Rs.400.. And they send me the work details by email.. It includes many images of small writings, which i have to type in Notepad, which is impossible.. And they also emailed me some legal documents, which are pretty suspiciuos.. They mentioned that if i do not able to complete the target, than i have to pay Rs. 10000. So, i checked online about these fraud companies and i get to know that i have been trapped.. And if i do not pay, then they might take some actions..
Sir/ mam, kindly help me to get out of these problem.
Rahul Paul
Barasat 743248, West Bengal
Email: rxxxxxxxxxxx0@gmail.com
Same to you.. 🙁 🙁 🙁
If you got any solution, please tell to me.