Fraud done on online work from home jobs - India Consumer Forum

Fraud done on online work from home jobs

I have taken up the online form filling job from DRL Solutions located in Gujarat somewhere. They have signed an agreement also with me where it was mentioned in case of me not able to meet the criterion of accuracy & minimum threshhold of form i shall pay company Rs. 6700/- or else company shall deduct the said amount from my earning.

I did my job within timeline with utmost accuracy. But they said that i have not met accuracy level. But when i have crosschecked their Quality report with PDF file, which was generated from their system at the time of submission of work, i found that they have done manipulation with my work submitted and created error by using my login credentials.

I have done thorough analysis and sent complete detail via email (Screen shots of Manipulated error shown in my report) to them but still they are not accepting and not giving my money which was hard earned by me.

Total form: 1200
Quality report shared error: 163
But actual error after analysis: 79 only
Net accurate forms : 1121
Hence as per agreement amount payable to me : Rs. 21325/- (after deducting the security deposit amount of Rs.6700/-).

Also attaching the PDF file which was generated after completion of work and sent to them

Mumbai 400037, Maharashtra

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