Fraud part-time job offer and demand for money

Fraud part-time job offer and demand for money

I have received a message from whats app we are hiring full time part time staff salary is 2000-16000rs. The more task you do, the more you get paid. The job content is to help the online store complete the order sales. after the store order is completed your principle is returned. and commission is given as compensation shop order are rademly assigned, generally around 200rs. After the task is completed the store will return you abount 300rs.. You can direct bind the bank card to withdraw cash. After joining the training they give task. every time to pay double double amount At last they demand above one lakh money. I am unable to pay this huge amount. I have already paid Rs.30360/- and give balance my principle plus commission 44501.74. The demand more money. Please help me to refund my money. Please take immediate action in this matter. I feel they are fraud. Please help. If you need more details i am giving to you.

Mehrauli 110030, New Delhi

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