Fraud Part-time Work From Home OfferTook bank account details

Fraud Part-time Work From Home Offer, Took bank account details

I was contacted via Whatsapp for Work from Home by working Part-time.
Upon asking the authenticity of the firm, I was given a document, in which I couldnt find the CIN number authentic.
I was asked to like few Youtube videos first, and they assured me about the work.
It seems they were buying the “likers” for some of the youtube videos.
Later I was asked to contact someone on Telegram for 3rd step, there I was asked to Follow an actress account “Shilpa Shetty” and then they asked for my bank details to transfer the money. I again asked for the assurance and they said it’s not.
And now they are not responding and asking me to leave.

There has been scam by asking to provide part time job.
They put wrong assurance
I’m mentally disturbed by the thought that they can misuse my bank account.
They are not replying and I am mentally harassed .
Do I need to file case to Police station for this?

Varanasi 221001, Uttar Pradesh

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