Fraud shopping site on instagram - India Consumer Forum

Fraud shopping site on instagram

I ordered a pair of shoes from this page on insta names as shoping_Ke_Deewane. i placed my order on 30th jan and paid rupees 849 through paytm. that guy had asked me to whatsapp the address i did the same..he said the product will reach you in 4-5 days..when i asled for the recipt of th3 payment he started making excuses saying the supplier havnt send it yet this and that..its bin more thn a week now and i havnt recieved my shoes that guy isnt replying now n the number he gave is not reachable since the day i ordered the shoes.this is highly disappointing..its making me leave insta forever or break that person’s face. please resolve this if you can.please!

Ceejay sharma
sahibabad, ghaziabad 201005, Uttar Pradesh

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