Fraudulent Sale and cheating by Hitech Sofas and their associates

Fraudulent Sale and cheating by Hitech Sofas and their associates

I placed an order of custom-made sofa 20-Deb-21 with M/s Hitech Sofas. Against order value of 42000/-, they have collected Rs. 32000/- as advance and interim payments. However, they neither delivered the product nor refunded any money over after 8 months.  They have committed fraudulent sale with no ability to deliver, defrauded money and caused wasted of time along with mental agony to customers
The order was placed at a furniture fair held at Magarpatta, Pune . I paid a booking amount of Rs 12,000/- Next day on 21st March,  associate visited my address for measurements. He collected a further advance of of Rs 10,000/-. The promised delivery date was 10-Mar-21.
On 13th March I called them about delivery. He informed that he had ordered the sofa fabric from North India but delivery was stuck due to farmer protests. So he needed to procure the fabric from local market and requested that a further payment of Rs. 5000 be made to his associate to purchase the fabric.  At his request I made the payment of Rs. 5000 to by UPI Transaction 107211095849. He promised that delivery will be completed on 19/03/2021. This date passed and on 25-March I called him to confirm inspection next day. He again mentioned that fabric procurement had still not happened and he needed Rs. 5000/- more to make the purchase. This time I should have been more cautious but I trusted his word and was also keen to get the delivery as soon as possible. So I made further payment of Rs. 5000 by UPI transaction No. 108456481215. He promised that the delivery will be made by 28-Mar-21.

On 29-March, I visited the address as provided on their bill and business card. I did not find the premises of Hitech Sofa at this address. After multiple calls they provided a different story that he had changed the manufacturer but still needed to finalize the arrangement.  He agreed to deliver the sofa by 05-April or if not would refund the paid amount.

On 31st March and afterwards, I tried to call him multiple times but his both mobile numbers were switched off. I could connect once but the call went unanswered. I also sent him Whatsapp messages which were not acknowledged. I also dispatched a letter by Speed Post on 1st April to his address on the business card and bill. The letter returned undelivered. Finally, I approached the Police around 15-Apr. They called him and asked him to return the money. He promised to do it 1st week of May but did not fulfil this. We called him again and he promised another date which again was not met. Later in June he communicated that he suffered illness and personal tragedy due to Covid Pandemic so on human grounds I stopped chasing him for couple of months. Later since August I have been trying to get him to refund my money. Every time he has given excuses and promised dates but not paid a single Rupee and now he has stopped responding on calls.
Anyone dealing with them need to exercise caution so as to avoid similar fraud and ordeal

Pune 411028, Maharashtra

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