Getting statement from SBI Card even after foreclosing - India Consumer Forum

Getting statement from SBI Card even after foreclosing

I am the complainant…. I applied for a SBI credit card in a mall.. before I could receive the card I got an advice from my family and friends against SBI card. I received the SBI credit card I went to the nearest branch to know the procedures to return back… Since I have not used the card and card has not been activated at all I received a statement stating that I have to pay 599 as a joining fee.. I called you to customer care department. And spoke to a customer support executive through his assistance as per his promises he waived of the charges of 599 and he foreclosed the my SBI credit card.. Again a received a foreclosure. Letter from SBI credit card my credit card is fore closed but still I have to pay 599 charge which I have not activated the credit card at all .. why I should pay the fee .. which I have not activated at all .. this is seems to a mental harassment .. for me it’s intolerable kindly give me an advice do I have to raise a police complaint against SBI… Kindly help me out.

Seshadri Santosh kumar
Manjunathnagar, Bangalore 560010, Karnataka

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