I have stopped using DishTv service more than 2 years back. After a few months I got a call from DishTv that if I am not using the set top box, I need to give it back. They took it back from my home for free stating that this is what was mentioned in contract. I didn’t have the contract handy but I don’t remember seeing any such clause, anyway gave it back as it was of no use of me.
From then, almost in every month or two I keep getting calls from DishTv asking me for giving back the set top box. When I state that I have already given it back they either say sorry or disconnects the call. Doesn’t DishTv update their database? Why are they keep calling me?
Atanu Niyogi
Bangalore 560037, Karnataka
Email: axxxxxxxxi@gmail.com
27/06/2017 / 11:27 am
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