I have taken Personal Loan from Bajaj Fin Serve, Chennai. I use to pay my dues regularly in case of any default, I have paid along with interest and additional charges, due to my financial situation I have not paid my July due, the collection agents started chasing me from July 10th onwards, and today one Mr.Cxxxxxs Dxxxxd and Mr.Hxxxxb came to my home, I was out to Office, and they nocked my door, when my wife open the door, they started screaming and used unparliamentary and unethical languages, and ask us to die with hanging since not paying the dues.
Really Sir, while my wife calling me and crying and said instead of this type of abuse we better to die, Sir, if we not paid one due or two the human is not eligible to live on earth, if we dead who will pay the loan to Bajaj finance, human life is not valuable if we not have money.
My family totally upset and we don’t knopw whom to approach for the help. If this month not paid, we are going to pay next month, there is no legal action, why they are behaving like this…?
Sir, Please take action against this type of people.
Velachery, Chennai 600042, Tamil Nadu
Email: sxxxxxxxxxa@gmail.com
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