Harassment call from I net solution online captcha filling - India Consumer Forum

Harassment call from I net solution online captcha filling

Respected sir/madam, sir I posted my profile in click india website then got a call from i net solution ( 9xxxxxx0) tell about the captcha code filling, fill 10000 captcha in 10 days in which 90% should be correct and they sent me one link and asked me download the application through which one app had opened. {screen short of the mail attached for reference} wher they said to upload my photo and name along with they asked me to send my proof of addrss in whatsaap no. And i have send them after few minutes. They send me a agreement where they put my signature and photo without my permission and i have try many times to login my user id to start the work but i could noy login in the  beginning and after i got success to login and start the work. While on working i found the application is not working properly, i complet  prox  5000 captcha, due to continu use of mobile my eye effected, i want to qute to job of captcha ,  i am talk to captcha helf line (help4captcha[@]gmail.com)  then they said if you want to cencel your agreemet then you need to pay penaly amount for that , otherwise company will handle it legal way as par the agreement. I am pay 7700 rupee for cencel the agreemet{Screen short of the payment attached for the reference}  and company give me noc letter from company. {Screen short of the mail attached for the reference}. then after 1 month and 20 Days i received a mail & call  from advocate associats  in march 2019, for penatly im i net solution . I am ignore this call & mail because company give me noc letter, fortunately i recived mail from Axxxxxt pxxxxl from advocate associates {screen short of the mail attached for reference}  from shershah Rd, delhi high court, New delhi delhi, 110503 on 4/10/2019 , still your Arbitration process has been pending and section 74 and 75 two section still pending if you want to clear on you then kindly pay the fee Rs. 25500/- clear your section after you file will be close you will get clearance letter from company side.  Sir please help me to resolve my problem and take  a quick action against it. Thanking You

vinay Kumar
Patna 800001, Bihar
Email: vxxxxxxxxxxxx5@gmail.com

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