Issues with 4-month old Ford Ecosport - India Consumer Forum

Issues with 4-month old Ford Ecosport

Around 4 month back I bought Ford ecosport Titanium(Petrol) car as CLV(Company lease vehicle) from ELITE Ford bangalore. There is a major issue which can kill some one or more prone to accidents.

While car is on running mode sometimes engine shuts off in middle of the road mostly on 1st and 2nd gear, and when i try to restart the engine it will not switch on immediately when press start button even though ignition is on.

I have shown this issue to elite ford bangalore service center couple of times, but they are not accepting this as issue at all. They said ford india has done the programming like that.

you have to switch off the ignition and switch it on and then start the engine. tell me sir who will do this all in middle of the road.

I am very frusted now from FORD india, they are not even replying to my mail. I wrote couple or mails to them to rectify this issue. but they are not even replying to me.

I almost spend 12 lakhs rupees on this car and they are not given any support to me. now i am feeling like cheated by ford india.
Ford india cheating to every one now a days.
I don’t have any hope from Ford.

That’s why i am coming to consumer department to resolve this issue. Please resolve my problem or else this car can kill me.

Praveen Agrawal
Babusapalya, Bangalore 560043, Karnataka

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