Issues with HTC Desire 828 Mobile - India Consumer Forum

Issues with HTC Desire 828 Mobile

I purchased HTC desire 828 Mobile from lot showroom Hyderabad on 11/06/2016. during this one year i faced many problems with mobile i approach the service center 4 times for several problems. phone auto restart ,shutdown, shutdown power off during video playing camera,heating problems. they are solving the issue temporarly but issue again comes in my device is out of warranty now i need to pay the money for repair. but i did not had trust on htc service since i approached service center four times attaching job sheets for your reference

please provide a solution for this problem

Hemanath Tadi
Mmadhuranagar, Hyderabad 500038, Telangana


    • yashvant pathankar on 20/07/2017 at 11:39 pm

    My htc626 g plus purchase last year February and after two month I faced many problems of battery heat and hang and two to three times repair in service center and battery replace also in warranty.but after 6 months battery problems are revised and service center say to pay for new battery. Htc mobile are very poor service and I m told to all people please do not buy htc mobile never

    • Mark on 13/03/2018 at 12:59 am

    I faced this problem of htc 828 getting on playing video n taking camera!! While restarting it doesnt get on until charging!! I search for solution than only i came to one saying to put a piece of paper on the back of the battery!!to my amaze it works!! Still now on using at 4% it going on well!! Try this!! Well it cost u nothing!!So give a try

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