Item missing from delivery by Myntra - India Consumer Forum

Item missing from delivery by Myntra

I have ordered Hung-up Kurta from Myntra on Nov 03 2020 whose price was Rs 470. I received the parcel on 12 th Nov of the month. I had already made the payment before receiving the parce.So I opened the parcel in front of the delivery agent. I only got the Jackate and the Kurta payjama was missing. So I immediately filed a complaint to Myntra customer care executive. The lady on the phone also talked to the delivery agent and I was assured for proper redressal in 3 days. 3 days later I receive an email stating that my claim has been denied and that I will not get any refund or help. I have proof and also have written assent of the delivery agent . I also have delivery persons as the witness who was present there during this scene

Pune 412409, Maharashtra
Email: SxxxxxxxxH@GMAIL.COM

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