Item not delivered by Ebay - India Consumer Forum

Item not delivered by Ebay

My son had placed an order for Tribocor Chain lube Bike Chain Lube (TC 40)500ml/350gms (172858422023) on 16.03.18 at ebay vide Paisepay by signing as a guest. Since the item has not been delivered even after 10 days I lodged the cliam with ebay guarantee with claim id 3522490. Till date neither the item has been delivered nor any refund has been received from ebay. Even no proper reply has been received or any action has been initiated to resolve the matter after making several correspondences by mails and chats. They are not properly responding to the mails now. They are actually cheating the customers by taking their hard earned money.

PANANGAD P.O, COCHIN 682506, Kerala


    • ebay on 07/04/2018 at 3:59 pm

    Dear Krishnan,

    We are sorry to hear that you’ve been having this experience. Since we can’t reach you so you can contact us here:

    Team eBay

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