Jiomart not refunding money for cancelled order

Jiomart not refunding money for cancelled order

There was some technical issue with my order placed on 201/11/2020 on JioMart mobile app. I had ordered items worth ?1320 and the same amount got deducted from my card. However, in the JioMart app the same order was shown only worth ?411 with many of the items missing from the order.

I was asked by their local store ‘Reliance fresh’ in Bikaner (Rajasthan) to cancel the order because of the issue. I cancelled the order but have not received any refund against the cancellation. I have contacted JioMart customer care multiple times during the last 2 months and registered complaints but they get closed without any resolution. I have also written email to ‘cs[@]’ for the issue and shared my card statement also as a proof but again to no avail.

So, far the Jiomart customer care has not taken any action other than registering my complaint. I did not get any callback (which they promised to do within 48 hours) and there has not been any updates provided regarding my issue. This is a fraud according to me and also the customer care has been indirectly harassing me for the last 2 months by asking me to wait for 7 days and then not following up on the issue.  I have still not received my money back.

Please find attached screenshot of the concerned transaction from my ‘Happay card’ which I used to place the order

Bikaner 334001, Rajasthan


    • Samkit jain on 27/09/2023 at 4:36 pm

    I have ordered from jio mart and the grinder is not working properly so i want to return it and the are not accepting my return

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