LPG Gas agency ordered to repay costs to customers

LPG Gas distribution agency ordered to repay costs to customers

A written complaint from the Consumer Union, Vairengte South Branch was submitted to the President, District Forum Kolasib District on 22nd August 2012 against M/s Auva Gas Agency, Vairengte.

The complaints were:

(i) Excessive rate for new connection of LPG;
(ii) Non-issue of receipt by agency;
(iii) Inferior goods supplied;
(iv) Non gas lighter is supplied;
(v) MRP is not printed on the supplied materials;
(vi) Excessive charge (Rs.300/-) for the loss of Green card; and
(vii) Relatives of consumers from Saipum and Saiphai area are refused to buy LPG even with green cards.

The District Forum vide its order dated 07.12.2012 allowed the complaint and gave the following order:

(i) The Respondent M/s Auva Gas Agency, Vairengte should return a sum of Rs.770/- to each existing customer on production of consumer card, for excessive price collected from them, within one month from the date of issue of judgment and order;

(ii) The Respondent should pay a sum of Rs. 1960/ to the Complainants Consumer Union, Vairengte South Branch to cover the travelling expense of 14 persons at the rate of Rs. 140/- to and from Kolasib, within a month from the date of issue of Judgment and Order;

(iii) The Respondent should, issue receipts to all their customers at the time of giving a new connection and for any other transaction with the customers;

(iv) The Respondent shall repair defective materials supplied by them free of cost or exchange with new ones. They should also ensure that the materials supplied are of good quality.

Aggrieved by the order of the District Forum, Auva Gas Agency filed an appeal before the State Commission along with a miscellaneous application for condonation of delay. However, the appeal was dismissed and Auva Gas Agency filed a Revision Petition in the NCDRC.

NCDRC held that there is no justification to carry out any modification in the order passed by the state commission in the exercise of the revisional jurisdiction. The present revision petition was dismissed with cost of Rs.5,000 and it was further stated that the OP must ensure that gas refills are supplied to Complainant as per the norms at regular intervals. Also the deputy commissioner and DFSC, Amritsar are directed to ensure that there is regular supply of gas refills to consumers without fail and in the event of any lapse on the part of Petitioner (OP), suitable action should be taken by civil administration with the rules and regulations on the subject.

Hon’ble Mr. Justive V. B. Gupta, Presiding Member, NCDRC

CC No.4 of 2012 – In the District Consumer Forum, Kolasib, Mizoram – Appeals by Auva Gas Agency in the State Commission (Appeal No.1 of 2013) and Revision Petition filed in the National Commission (RP 4697 of 2013

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