MAC IT Solutions home based automobile form filling job - India Consumer Forum

MAC IT Solutions home based automobile form filling job

Few days ago i received a call and they asked are you interested in home based automobile form filling job. I asked about it and they explained and i told ok. Then they asked me photograph and aadhar and then they sent me an agreement of work. I thought they are following required steps. I completed my work and submitted the work and then they told after submission of work wait for 2 days for QC report but after 10 Days today they spet me a report and telling that QC failed. I strongly believe that the data is manipulated. They changed O with 0 and showing as mistakes. Kindly help me with this. I think from tomorrow onwards they will start torture me to pay 4000.
Kindly help me out because they sent me an agreement at the early stages. I don’t know what to now…

Polisetty Satyasai
Yanam 533464, Pondicherry


    • david on 19/05/2020 at 2:30 pm

    i got the same call today is 3rd i started the work what i should now i want the solution for this problem is thier any one to help me

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