MAKAUT keeps delaying Refund of Exam Fees - India Consumer Forum

MAKAUT keeps delaying Refund of Exam Fees

Hello Sir, I am a 2nd Year ECE student of FIEM. In October,2020 our college told us to pay for the 2nd Sem Exam Fees. I then proceeded to pay for the fees (on 5th Oct) but due to some error, the payment was unsuccessful however the amount (Rs 1200) was already debited from my account. I told this issue to my department teachers, HOD and also the Makaut Technical Support (no. given in makaut exam student portal), and they told me the same thing : “It would be refunded within 7-10 days”. However it’s already close to 2 months now, and there has been no refund from MAKAUT side. I called the Makaut Helpline no. and they took the required details but no action was taken from their side (also its been over a month after they took my payment details). I, as a student, never expected to face such harassment from such a Educational Institution.

Kolkata 700039, West Bengal


    • Somnath Mondal on 20/07/2021 at 6:27 pm

    When you got your refund?

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