Money lost on LLP registration - India Consumer Forum

Money lost on LLP registration

I decided to make Llp registration for my new start up business. I called India Filings, India Filings is a online business registration company. They told me the Price and Time duration to do it, I agreed to it and I paid Rs 7899. After that they told me some extra cost I have to pay and Time duration exceeded still I didn’t get service. I asked for a Refund. But I haven’t got any refund yet and I haven’t got any call from them as well. So I want a full refund of money.
India Filings is not transparent with their price, duration, information and they don’t care about customer satisfaction. They made a fraud sale on me.
After I made the payment of 7899,They said I need to pay 1000rs extra if my business name is not approved after 2nd chance, They didn’t tell me time might get delayed, they didn’t tell me 20% cancellation fees, First they took my payment, after that they told me all these. I need my refund immidiately. Thank you.

Abinash Pati
Gurudwara rd, New Delhi 110045

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