No delivery, no refund from Fabfunia - India Consumer Forum

No delivery, no refund from Fabfunia

I have ordered kurti from ‘’. My order no. is #13592. I ordered on 19th of July,2017. I did not receive any product nor I got my money back. They have given 2 numbers on their site – 07xxxxxxxx3 ; 9xxxxxxxxxx2. None of them is answering. Kindly help me in getting my money back.

Khushbu Garg
Gandhid 370205, Gujarat


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    • Priyanka singh on 25/09/2017 at 7:51 pm

    I have ordered Kurti red n black printed stitched…. Bt wrong product come …my ordered number is 41661 .i need my money.back .they have given number Bt 9824417642 not giving answer… Kindly given me my money back…. Rs 418

    • Nitika Agarwal on 30/09/2017 at 11:42 pm

    I ordered a kurti but recieved wrong order no is 43242.the number mentioned on the site is not working.kindly give my money back Rs.419

    • Richa on 01/10/2017 at 4:46 pm

    I have ordered kurti pink n black stitched by worng product come my ordered my ordered no.45455.i need my money back 419 plz

  1. I have orderd kurti by wrong product come my ordered my ordered no. Is 44933 pls refund my money..

    • Nirav on 09/10/2017 at 9:24 am

    I hv order 2 kurti bt did not receive. My order number is 42173965901. Kindly revert back to me on my number is 8082237549

    • Mahesh naik on 11/10/2017 at 9:43 pm

    I have order Kurtis by wrong products send me by our side my ordered no. Is 51628 plz refund my money…

    • anu on 12/10/2017 at 5:50 pm

    i have order kurtis by wrong product send me by our side my mob num.8087286813 plz refund my money

    • Twinkle on 16/10/2017 at 2:11 pm

    I have ordered two kurtis.. But the product I received was wrong. Please refund my money and take the product from my side.

    • Kailash kumari verma on 18/10/2017 at 12:29 pm

    Kailash kunari verma
    I have order 1 kurtis… but the product i received was wrong.please refund my money and take the product by me.

    • Nikita Kalbalia on 22/10/2017 at 11:44 pm

    I have ordered one kurti on on 13.10.17, but I receive a piece of unstitched cloth.My order 54893.Pls. help me out to return my cash money Rs.420/- which I paid as COD, and requested you to pls.banned these type of sites who mislead Indian consumer.They provide a no.9265001138 but the same is not responding even the mail I’d provide by them is also not me out to get my money back.

    • Anwesha Das on 04/11/2017 at 8:31 pm

    on october 8/7/17 I ordered the following: Grey printed crepe designer self kurti and Multi printed crepe designer self kurti from order no is:51600 and total amount is 733.00Rs.
    but I recived a kurti-20,NavyBlue kurti on 12/7/2017.this is not my ordering I would like to return this product.
    I had to sending mail almost one month ago on their gmail, But they did’t any response.And their customer care number, that is fake.this contact number is all time switched off. so, I requested to you please refund my money.

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