Non-delivered product shown wrongly as delivered by Amazon - India Consumer Forum

Non-delivered product shown wrongly as delivered by Amazon

I had ordered a sweat belt combo through Amazon for which I had made online payment on 1/1/18 and product was to reach before 22 /01/18. I was tracking my order and on 10 /01/18 it was showing has reached bhatapara. On 15/01/18 I started to enquire my order through text message to the portal. And I got a text on 15/01/2018 that I will get the product within 21/01/18 and 22/01/2018. But a day after I get update that that order was delivered on 12/01/2018, so I called the customers service. The response was terrible as they are unable to help me. And the policy of Amazon for return a product also will start from the delivery date of product. This is a cheating with customers as by this they can give a defective product to customers.

Snehlata Kumari
Rohra, Bhatapara 493118, Chattisgarh

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