NTech fraud captcha filling jobs - India Consumer Forum

NTech fraud captcha filling jobs

Sir I found a online captcha filling job from quickr.com then called a lady from this number +91 9xxxxxxxx1  for more information. She said that you are apply captcha filling part time job and she told me that I need to fill 10000 captcha in 10 days and per captcha they are giving me 2.25 rupees. She want a to submit a id proof and a signature from me and then I sent her. Then she sent me an agreement without my knowledge and notifying me that there no terms and conditions so I agree at that time but after next day I saw there terms and conditions. When I read the agreement I come to know about this and I called the person again but she says I can’t do anything and I need to work. I am scared and work and when I 3 day work properly I found it is a fruad company and I want to stop the work and inform you. Please help me Sir of this type of fruad job. I filling that time 2000 above captcha but there can’t show how many I filled captcha. Now I not want to filling any other captcha, please help me sir.  I told them to cancel my contract but they says if I cancel now then I need to pay panelty amount for that otherwise company will hadle it legal way as per the agreement. I am not sure what about the agreement is real or fake but they threating me of a big loss.  Please help me sir. I am poor people. I have no money to pay about this fraud. Please help me.
Address: N TECH, (Khirdi Road, Aurangabad, Maharastra 431001)

Sarupathar 785601, Assam
Email: axxxxxxxxxxh@gmail.com


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    • PRAVEEN R on 19/05/2021 at 11:54 pm

    I have the same problem. but the company name HV TECHNOLOGIES said 7000 captchas with 7 days. they said me penalty amount 16800(it’s not mentioned agreement) sometimes I will not pay they said legal action against or they said another penalty amount 80000 above, help me sir

    • ANANTA on 21/05/2021 at 12:28 pm

    Ignore them, and don’t pay any amount. They are totaly frauds. Take freely without care. We suggested you.

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