Online data entry fraud work by Rex enterprise - India Consumer Forum

Online data entry fraud work by Rex enterprise

I get call from online data entry work from Gujarat so I join without investment the name is Rex enterprise so I have to fill 1200 forms  each forms is Rs20 in 8 days and cutoff forms is 1080 but I fill the 1188 forms in 8 days when last day when I want to submit then due technical faulty side error it can not accepted or submitted so next day they say to me that ur work is not completed so u take time extra 5to 7 days to complete ur work but it’s charges is Rs9500 so I say I dont want to pay this amount because it’s a site fault so they say we will take legal action u have to pay registration fees about Rs4300 so I say I don’t give they allow to tell that u have to come to court for settlement its cost is Rs1 lakhs so I say no I will not come so every time in mail they said legal notice by mail so I get so much irritated and calling me always to pay the amount

KATNI 483880, Madhya Pradesh


    • Tejith on 29/10/2019 at 3:06 pm

    Is that legal agreement valid since we have not signed any document and since it is fraud we should pay money or not? What should we do to get out from this hell?

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