Online typing job and Form filling job BPO IT company Chennai

Online typing job and Form filling job BPO IT company Chennai

I registered. they are given training and convinced  me  to pay registration fee 2000  +2000  (refundable)
given project 250 pages  should completed with in 18 days  per page  more than 30 lines ..  per page amount for typing 50 rs total amount 250*50=12500 rs but  no possible to single person  complete this work with in 18 days  we are more than  5 members night and day worked  and completed. but they given quality  check result  after  14 days  clearly given above 50% error so payout is 0 . after this result only i searched social media many more poor peoples cheated this way to get the typing work project completed from them but as per quality check all pages having error so pay out zero …we are not satisfied . so i asking my refund. they said  only after completion of agreement period only  if possible …
kindly stop and cancel these type  of license. poor people extracted by these type of IT companies
i loss  my  time  salary  hardwork —
but i tried get refundable amount . they will give many reason to won’t refundable amount
Madurai 625014, Tamil Nadu

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