Order cancelled by Myntra without consent - India Consumer Forum

Order cancelled by Myntra without consent

I ordered 5 items from myntra on 14feb. It has to be delivered before 24th feb. They delivered 3 item on 26th feb. And change the date for rest two on 28th feb. I talked to them and they promised to deliver it on priority basis. Again they didn’t deliver it and i called them, they said it will be delivered with in two day i.e by 5th. But they were not able to do that. I called tgem again and tgey said the same. But now tgey have cancelled my order without my consent.
I had a very big function at my home for which i had to spend extra as it was a prepaid order. They wasted my time, gave me false hopes, fake promises, and i feel like i am cheated. I want strict actions against myntra.
My order no. is : 1070471-238993-9937201

Kumar saurav
Muzaffarpur 843118, Bihar
Email: kxxxxxxxxxxx2@gmail.com

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