PAN card not delivered by Velex Couriers - India Consumer Forum

PAN card not delivered by Velex Couriers

Applied for PAN card. PAN alloted by NSDL and sent by VELEX  on 26 Sep 20. I am available at my residence address which provided in PAN application and my mobile number also in service. The PAN has reached to destination at AGRA on 30 Sep 20. It is laying there. No body from courier company called up me or came for delivery of PAN card till date. Contact number of courier service of Agra branch is not available at anywhere so that we can contact them as it our document and I need it. vide acknowledg No. 881034131052364 / AWB No. 23312532168

Shahganj, Agra 282010, Uttarakhand


    • NSDL eGovernance Infrastructure Limited on 16/10/2020 at 8:14 am

    This is to inform you that we have taken note of your grievance. We will investigate the matter and revert you shortly. Further, PAN/TAN applicants are requested to note that on account of COVID-19 outbreak and Govt. advisories issued in this context, there will be delays in processing of application/dispatch of PAN cards. We thank you for your understanding and co-operation. To know the status please visit our website. Click here:

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