Regarding refund of membership fee from matrimony site

Refund of membership fee from matrimony site

I had registered in Kayastha matrimony site and I had selected one profile having  ID-KAY 1xxx4 because this candidate selected my profile. Now site says that if you want to contact you will have to take membership. Then I got membership by paying fee of Rs.2949.00. After taking membership I sent message but no reply received. Then I tried to call to the verified mobile number which was given in the profile. But this doesn’t belong to the ID 10xxxx4 . I lodged complaint to matrimony site they quickly suspended the profile. It is very much evident that the profile fabricated by the site people just to be fool by pressurising to sell membership. It is very much clear that the mobile number given in that profile is of some site employee. By this way they just cheating public.
My request – a complaint should be filed against the mobile number that how this number got verified without involving him.
My membership fee should be refunded immediately because I had taken membership for above mentioned ID that comes out fake.
Kanpur 208002, Uttar Pradesh

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