Refund of telephone charges for the non functioning Matrix cards - India Consumer Forum

Refund of telephone charges for the non functioning Matrix cards

I purchased 2 Sim cards on the 7th Nov. 2016 from Matrix Cellular, Andheri Branch, Mumbai, for a total sum of Rs. 4,598/- valid from the 12th Nov for a period of 3 months. Since as per the Department of Telecom Regulations the sim cards are not functional in India, I could not check the functioning of the cards till my arrival in Seychelles on the 12th Nov. 2016.

Upon following all the instructions step by step as per the booklet provided, we were unable to activate either of the cards. There was no WIFI facility where we were put up so my only option was to call their Helpline nos on the 13th Nov. After several calls I was asked to call back the next day as they could not resolve the problem. So, on the 15th Nov. I had to contact them again and I was instructed to follow certain other steps and settings, despite which the problem remained unsolved.

Although Matrix Cellular has admitted to their inability to activate the cardsand have offered to refund the cost of the sim cards, they have refused to reimburse the cost of the calls made to them, running into a few thousand rupees. Let alone the inconvenience,anxiety and mental trauma caused to me as I have a 93 year old parent back home.

Mrunalini Gole
Mumbai 400020, Maharashtra


    • Matrix Cellular on 09/11/2017 at 11:59 am

    Dear Mrunalini,

    We request you to share your Matrix connection details so that we can further investigate the issue for you.

    Team Matrix

    • Mrunalini Gole on 10/11/2017 at 11:36 am

    Receipt no – RI-*/2016-2017
    CAF No – T1002062169, T1002062170
    Sim Nos. – 8944538524003155659, 8944538524003155430
    Moble nos. – 447452326156, 447452349188

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