Refund UDF from MMT - India Consumer Forum

Refund UDF from MMT

I have booked return tickets for 3 persons from make my trip on 19/07/2017 from delhi to bangalore & return, 09/08/17 &15/08/17 respectively,both jet airways. Del-Blr id NF 72920107067916 & Blr-Del id NF 72932107065466.Despite various reminders,mmt is not refunding excess udf,and they are writing to me that tickets booked till 07/07/2017 will get refund. More so you cant contact them on phone for trips already completed.

Arun Kanotra
Inderpuri, New Delhi 110012


    • malcolm on 12/12/2017 at 11:21 am

    the same case with me. they said I have to call indigo and initiate the transfer and they themselves confirmed they got the money and said they will refund it to my account but nothing doing. is there any progress in your case? can we file a case in consumer court against them?

    • Achyut on 10/01/2018 at 2:26 pm

    Similar situation being faced by me as well. Have been requesting them since July for refund for 4 tickets in total. Other than standard replies, they haven’t processed the refund yet.

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